And Public Holiday means, Daddy don't have to work, and he can accompany Mummy out !
woots. =))
Okay. Actually, it doesn't matter. I'm just happy because i don't have to attend school?
Purrrlease. Who's not happy to delay Operations Planning Module?
aiite aiite.
with all the delays and whatever not, there are still things to be done.
Let me start listing them out.
- Submission of PP scope. = Tiny bit revision of tml's UT. (well, maybe not) - Practicing of piano. = Watching Iron Man later. - Eat Breakfast. = Sit around.
well well.
okay okay. The most important is the PP scope. I've gathered enough information for me to start with the scope.
But i'm like so bloody lazy. AHHH.
oh ya. Let me tell u guys what happened yesterday.
Yesterday is a no-school day for me.
What i've planned for yesterday is to go shopping with my mum.
I slept till 6pm.
yes. From tuesday night, 11pm to wednesday evening, 6pm.
19hours . Straight 19 hours, no toilet breaks, no nothing.
I'm crazy. i know. i KNOW !
it's not the first time already. but i think it's going to be the last few times i sleep in till so late.
Really. After yesterday, i've concluded some points.
Point 1 : One should never sleep for so long. Point 2 : Long sleeps causes dizziness. Point 3 : Long sleeps makes you sleepy earlier. ( i slept at 1am(wednesday)) Point 4 : You missed one whole day by sleeping. Point 5 : Whatever you cook taste like chicken. (*rolleyes* yes, i cooked dinner. my mum almost went crazy when she saw what i did, and i almost fainted) (i'm supposed to stir-fry the chicken meat and then put in the veggie. however, i didn't. i stirred-fried the chicken meat and i add in more chicken meat and i continue to stir-fry and not realize anything wrong and then, i just serve it.)
Okay la. so much of nonsense. ZZ.
Thing is : i regretted sleeping for so long. It made my brain lag.
Ha Ha Ha.
Oh oh. one good news.
My toe is not as swollen as before already !
woots arh. ^^
i'll post some jokes in the next post ya. NEed to go get something to eat.